Improve your relationship, increase connection, and resolve relationship issues. I offer couples counselling with a pro-connection approach to help you build healthy relationship with your partner.
Couples Counselling
As human beings we are social creatures and having loving interpersonal connections with our partners is vital to our health and happiness. Healthy and loving relationships promote our emotional, mental, and physical wellness, and ultimately help to promote wellness in the generations that follow. However, it is not always easy to build and maintain strong loving connections with our partners. Often a variety of factors can get in the way such as difficult emotions, past hurts or traumas, or learned ineffective behavioural patterns.
- Are you wanting to improve your relationship with your partner?
- Are you tired of having the same old arguments?
- Do you or your partner just shut down and avoid talking about things, leaving issues unresolved?
- Do you feel disconnected from your partner, alone in your feelings, thoughts, or desires?
- Do you have unresolved resentment getting in the way?
- Are you having an affair or suspect that your partner is?
- Are you trying to heal after an affair has occurred?
- Are you not on the same page when it comes to parenting, or issues with extended family?

There are many factors that strain our relationships and these are some of the reasons for seeking couples counselling support. Couples counselling can help you build, rebuild, or improve connections with your partner. Learn how to decrease and regulate difficult emotions, and how to change ineffective behavioral patterns that get in the way of your relationship. Learn how to improve your communication and effectively express your emotions to enhance intimacy, respect, and affection. Learn how to develop helpful habits and routines that support and sustain long-term successful relationships.
Although there are valid reasons for ending some relationships, most relationship endings are not necessary. In working with you I take on a pro-relationship and pro-connection approach. Working on yourself and on your relationship is hard work, and with the right tools and some guidance you can change your relationship for the better. When you make healthy changes your relationship changes.
Although there are valid reasons for ending some relationships, most relationship endings are not necessary. In working with you I take on a pro-relationship and pro-connection approach. Working on yourself and on your relationship is hard work, and with the right tools and some guidance you can change your relationship for the better. When you make healthy changes your relationship changes.

What to Expect When You Come for Couples Counselling
Exploration and Assessment Stage – This stage of couples counselling consists of exploring and understanding the challenges that have brought you to couples counselling. It consists of getting the issues on the table, and assessing and gaining insight into the patterns, emotions, or factors involved. As part of this stage of therapy, it is sometimes helpful to meet with each of you individually as well as a couple, and this option will be offered to you.Rebuilding Stage – This stage of therapy is focused on practicing new skills and strategies within your relationship, and on tackling the specific issues that have brought you to therapy. This stage is focused on areas such as problem solving, improving interpersonal and communication skills, practicing skills to regulate and change difficult emotions, and increasing habits and routines that build connection with your partner.
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